QUERY_STRING in Table link

QuestionsQUERY_STRING in Table link
Mario asked 8 years ago

I want to use the whole querystring, instead of using separate parameters:

// works:
$col["link"] = "file.php?list1_table_id={table_id}&list1_id={id}&add=1&code=".$_GET["code"];

//works not
$col["link"] = "file.php?list1_table_id={table_id}&'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'].';

//works not
$col["link"] = "file.php?list1_table_id={table_id}&$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];


5 Answers
selectcase.biz answered 8 years ago

I want to use the whole querystring, instead of using separate parameters:

// works:
$col["link"] = "file.php?list1_table_id={table_id}&list1_id={id}&add=1&code=".$_GET["code"];

//works not
$col["link"] = "file.php?list1_table_id={table_id}&'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'].';

//works not
$col["link"] = "file.php?list1_table_id={table_id}&$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];


Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

Perhaps, only ". is missing in #3. Rest looks fine.

$col["link"] = "file.php?list1_table_id={table_id}&".$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];

selectcase.biz answered 8 years ago


yes this was the case. Now the querystring works and shows all variables. However it also shows internal variables from phpgrid, for instance:


I tried to unset the unwanted variables with:


But they are still evoked. Is it possible to unset the unwanted variables in this link, since then I could use the above query_string-method for my own variables.

I think, I should know the name of the correct phpgridvariables and set them after the querystring, then they are there but not used.

I know that the following ewritingmethod overwrites unwanted variables, but I need to no the correct values…



Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

You can remove unwanted variables from querystring url by php code.

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