Passing Data from onselectrow to on_update functions.

QuestionsPassing Data from onselectrow to on_update functions.
Pedro couto asked 2 years ago

Hi Abu.

Sorry to bother you again.

Is there any way to capture all data in a row with onselectrow, and use them when on_update?

as one is a javascript function client side and the other is php server side.

What i made is save in a field of my database all the fields of the row in a json string and recover it on update, but i think this is not very elegant.

any better alternative?

as allways, thank you for your support.

best regards

2 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 2 years ago


By default all editable fields are passed to on_update event handler and can be fetched by:


You can do a print_r($data) inside the on_update and see what data is being sent from the client.

If it does not serve your requirement for some reason, let me know you scenario.


Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
Pedro Couto answered 2 years ago

Hi Again Abu.

Thank you for your quick response.

The problem is that i have to control changes and send it to a historical records.

Imagine i have a cell named “price”, i need to know the value of that cell before editind in the way that when i change the value of that cell, i have to write in another table that controls the historic of changes “Price changed from x to y”

i do this with most of the fields in the row, price, discounts, bonus, etc.


thak for your support, allways so kind.

Best regads



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