Paid for Premium Version, Where is my Priority Technical Support?

QuestionsPaid for Premium Version, Where is my Priority Technical Support?
Ivan asked 9 years ago

Sent few email over a month about the frozen columns issues, no support at all, waste money for Premium Version.

2 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

The frozen column feature currently lack the functions you require.
Tickets are still open and it may take more time to make them stable + work is under progress.

– Frozen column with multi-line cell data
– Frozen column with readmore.js plugin

We apologize for the missing functions, and rest assured there is no issue if full refund is required,
so that you can invest on a better option.

Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

I've also emailed you a working demo yesterday.
Please check and update.

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