Not all records have the Edit/Delete action

QuestionsNot all records have the Edit/Delete action
Kelvin asked 11 years ago

Dear Sir/Madam,

I set below action setting as below and only one table is linked to the table, don't know why there are some records have not edit/delete from action column?

How do I do the troubleshooting?

"autofilter" => true,
"search" => "simple",
"inlineadd" => true,
"showhidecolumns" => false

Best regards,


3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

The first column of grid must contain unique data, usually pk or concat fks. It is required to uniquely identify row for editing operations.

Tarun Das answered 10 years ago

I faced the same problem. This post solved the problem. Is it somehow possible to hide that column with unique data? Thanks.

Tarun Das answered 10 years ago

All right. I got it after reading the FAQ
it's $col["hidden"] = true;
Thank you anyway.

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