longblob datatype in grid

Questionslongblob datatype in grid
Mukti asked 11 years ago

Hi Abu,

How to handle longblob datatype in grid?

Probably on fancybox.


3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

Longblob display is not supported.

We can try to implement it, based on your feedback.

What data do you have in longblob?
1) If longblob contains image, thumbnail of image could be displayed.
2) If longblob contains non-image, there could be download link.

Can you explain about your scenario?

Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

I tested it by setting demo client's table company field to longblob and searching on grid.
It is working as expected. You can test / send me structure + data to check.

Gustavo Ageitos answered 10 years ago

if search a row q have a longblob field dont show and error

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