Load grid from Browsercache or prevent from reloading

QuestionsLoad grid from Browsercache or prevent from reloading
Mario asked 8 years ago


the is a function preventing from reloading whole script after editing:

Is there also a way to prevent reloading grid after reloading the site? So that the grid is loaded from kind of cache?

Reason: reloading takes time 3 seconds. In our application we need to have the grid loaded only at the beginning of a editing session…

Thank for help!

2 Answers
selectcase.biz answered 8 years ago

… I found its demos: Load Session

Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

If you need only listing (not editing records), you can fill database to an array / session, and load grid from that array.
For modification records, custom on_insert,update,delete event handler will need some working.

Refer demos/loading/load-session.php

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