Licence upgrade

QuestionsLicence upgrade
Alex asked 9 years ago


I have recently gone from the free version to the full paid version of the grid. I have done the upgrade as mentioned in the documentation but there is still one little problem: The message in the orange box at the bottom of the grid that says "For commercial use, Buy Licensed Version" will not disappear. I have access to all the features of the full version and even changed all the files except the configuration to try and see if it would work but nothing will do it. I'd be very grateful if you could help me solve this little issue.


3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

Please clear browser cache and try again.
Perhaps it's due free version cached files.

PS: please email me your order number in separate email so that i can save this email address in crm.

Alex answered 9 years ago

Clearing the cache didn't work unfortunately. And I can unfortunately not provide you the order number because my company bought it for me.

Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

Closing this ticket (moved to email conversation)

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