js_on_select_row event not fired when you select/deselect all

Questionsjs_on_select_row event not fired when you select/deselect all
Gary Wilson asked 3 years ago

Hi Abu,

I see the above event fired when I select or deselect a row but if I click on the top checkbox and (de)select all rows in one click, the event is not fired. This is unexpected.



P.S. where do we get a complete list of all events please?

3 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 3 years ago

Perhaps, you need this event: onSelectAll

Complete list can be checked using this online resource. This is core JS library we’re using behind php code.


Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
Gary Wilson answered 3 years ago

Hi Abu,

I have sent you the same grid code for another ticket today via email. I could not figure out the following:

  1. How can you use your set_events PHP method to trap this event since your events have “_” characters? Your method does not seem to work with:

    $evt[“onSelectAll”] = “my_method”; $comp->set_events($evt)

  2. How to directly set the property onSelectAll for the grid using native Javascript? Something like:


but I got lost at this point


Gary Wilson answered 3 years ago

OK. I have figured it out.


$(‘#comp’).jqGrid(‘setGridParam’,{onSelectAll: function(row, status) {

We can “close” this one.

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