grid view customization

Questionsgrid view customization
fahad zaeem asked 10 years ago

hello. i want to ask that in my mysql database table there are 5 columns and i just want to show 3 columns on this grid . moreover i want to edit 2 out of 3 columns in this grid .. how can i do this ? please help me out .. another thing i have a column whose type=datetime . so what can i do that it will pop out a calender while entering new record?

2 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

You need to define columns and mentioned in docs "Customizing Columns of Grid"
And to hide some column, you can set:

$col["hidden"] = true;

And to make it uneditable,

$col["editable"] = false;

Rest options are also in docs.
Datepicker is available in licensed version.

fahad zaeem answered 10 years ago

thank u abu ghufran . yesterday i saw that doc page and successfully rectify my problem 🙂 this grid is awsome 🙂

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