Export to CSV is blank

QuestionsExport to CSV is blank
Samuel asked 7 years ago

Hey all,

We have a very basic web report built using PHPGrid and when trying to export the results to CSV, the file is 0B and has no data.

W're using PHP v5.4 on Server 2010/IIS; It was 4GB RAM. I thought it might be a memory limit issue…I increased the memory_limit option in php.ini to 128MB but still same issue ( The entire result set if exported is ~20MB).

Also added 2GB pagefile but still same issue.

If i filter the report in the browser to >3000 records, i can export, but any more than that and it's blank. No error messages or anything and the perfomance monitor doesn't show that memory usage goes above 30% at any point.

4 Answers
Samuel Ngari answered 7 years ago

EDIT: Sorry….It'sServer 2012 and It HAS 4GB RAM.

Abu Ghufran answered 7 years ago

It depends on how much memory is assigned to php process.
Check php.ini memory_limit configuration and increase that.

Samuel Ngari answered 7 years ago

Hi Abu,

I set the memory_limit to 256M ( Was already set to 128M) and increased the pagefile to 4GB, still the same issue.

Abu Ghufran answered 7 years ago

Please check demos/export/export-custom.php code.
It uses optimized way to export CSV.

If still does not work with on_export custom function, please share your code for review.

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