Custom Edit Rules

QuestionsCustom Edit Rules
Kelvin asked 11 years ago

Dear Sir/Madam,

Refer to, the Edit Rules, is the <script> a javascript or php script? If php script, why using the <script>… </script>. If javascript, why it is coded in php script?

$col["editrules"] = array("custom"=>true,
"custom_func"=>"function(val,label){return my_validation(val,label);}");

function my_validation(value,label)
if (value < 100)
return [true,""];
return [false,label+" should be less than 100"];

3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago


It's basically javascript, and it is used in PHP (as text string) to invoke at proper place inside library.

Cristian Engelmann answered 10 years ago


similar before example. But I want three element. How can I to send data field (val2)?.

$col = array();
$col["title"] = "buy"; //this is val2
$col["name"] = "buy";
$col["width"] = "10";
$col["align"] = "right"; // this column is not editable
$col["search"] = false; // this column is not searchable
$cols[] = $col;

$col = array();
$col["title"] = "total";
$col["name"] = "total";
$col["width"] = "10";
$col["align"] = "right";
$col["search"] = false;
$col["editable"] = true;
$col["editrules"] = array("custom"=>true,
"custom_func"=>"function(val,val2,label){return my_validation(val,val2,label);}");
$cols[] = $col;

function my_validation(value,value2,label)
if (value < value2) // if (value < 100) *****
return [true,""];
return [false,label+" should be less than 100"];

Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

Refer editing/js-validation-form.php demo. It allows complete form fields to be validation at once.

PS: Please send your query once, duplicates (direct email / forum question) creates confusion in answering.

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