Function JavaScript not works

QuestionsFunction JavaScript not works
C3media asked 9 years ago

Hi Community,

I'm trying to send grid ID from Javascript function and not works, this is my function code:

function process(){
var rowid = jQuery('#list1').jqGrid('getGridParam','selrow');
data: rowid,
url: 'file.php',
type: 'post',
beforeSend: function () {
$("#result").html("Processing, please wait…");
success: function (response) {

And this is my button Call from grid:

$buttons_html = "<input type='image' width=250 height=120 src='$upload_url/{tarjeton}' href='javascript:;' onclick='process();return false;'>";
$col["default"] = $buttons_html;

Somebody maybe have any solution to my problem, Thanks!

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

Everything looks ok. Check if there is some JS error in debugger console tab (f12)
Another issue could be of timings. Try calling process() in setTimeout('process()',200);

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