Add form depend by value

QuestionsAdd form depend by value
Nicola asked 8 years ago

Hi Abu,
I've a question for add records.

It's possible change default and type by value of field in add form ?

Exemple if value of field TYPE_INSERT is 1 the user can insert a text.
Instead in valude of field TYPE_INSERT is 2 the possibility is true / false by checkbox.

Thanks in advance.


4 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago


I understand your questions as, you want to change input type of some other field 'X' based on input value of field TYPE_INSERT.
It will need some custom JS code + testing.

If your TYPE_INSERT field is dropdown,
then you can connect onchange event with it and using Jquery code, replace textbox with checkbox html.

1) On TYPE_INSERT field, you can set $col["edit_options"]["onchange"] = "function(o){ change_field(o); }";
2) In JS,

function change_field(o)
if (o.value == 1)
$("#X").replaceWith("<input type='checkbox' id='X' name='X' value='true' offval='false' class='FormElement ui-widget-content ui-corner-all' role='checkbox'>");
$("#X").replaceWith("<input type='textbox' id='X' name='X' class='FormElement ui-widget-content ui-corner-all' role='textbox'>");

Nicola answered 8 years ago

Thanks Abu for fast answer and perfect solution.

Where can find the the different parameters (example FormElement ui-widget-content ui-corner-all) for improve my application ?

Best regards.

Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

Hello Nicola,

I checked it via firebug (f12) by inspecting DOM elements.
You can do same.

Abdullah Muhammad answered 8 years ago

I thinks its better if you create the full sample codes. Thank you Abu.

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