Editable cells different color

QuestionsEditable cells different color
Cederic Van Herreweghe asked 12 years ago


is it possible to give editable cells a different background-color then non editable ?

Kind regards,


6 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

Yes, this is doable. This feature is related to conditional formatting of cell and rows which is under dev. and planned for upcoming version.

Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

Hello again,

I just released a feature update for formatting option that met your requirements.
You can set different css styles for columns that are editable=>true.

Follow this link for more details.


Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

I've emailed you an update, kindly recheck after updating it.

Ananda Theerthan answered 11 years ago

I can only format all rows for an editable column. Can I format the editable column conditionally? for ex, col1 and col2 are editable. I want to color col2 if col2 > col1.

kim answered 10 years ago

I am also trying to format specific cell colummn when setting column condition, but not working. could you email the update for this as well.

Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

I guess, you already have updated build so there must be some code level issue.
Please refer demos/appear/conditional-format.php

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