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QuestionsView only, no edit
Daniel asked 11 years ago

I'm looking for a gridview that can show (with all features like search, filter, export,…) data from a Mysql view (no table)
There will be no primary key, no insert,…
Is this possible with this grid control?

1 Answers
anavarro answered 11 years ago

Yes, that's possible with PHPGrid.

Since your view doesn't have a PK, I sugest that you define your select in the select command like this:

SELECT @id := @id + 1 AS rowid, v.*
FROM viewname v JOIN (SELECT @id := 0) as foo

With that, your select will auto numerate your rows, creating an id for each row in your view.

And in your set_actions use this:


Your grid will not have an add, edit or delete options, just the search and filter options.

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