Unexpected results when combining column and advanced filters

QuestionsUnexpected results when combining column and advanced filters
Jiří Skřivánek asked 5 years ago

When using both column (quick) and advanced filters on the same page, the behaviour seems surprising.

(Examples relate to default demo at https://www.phpgrid.org/demo-center/ )

  • When I set the first column filter (Product Name := ‘co’), the grid writes the same condition to the advanced filter (Product Name contains ‘co’).
  • Any further changes of column filter have no influence on advanced filter. If I set Product Name := ‘s’, the advanced filter still remains: Product Name contains ‘co’
  • This first setting cannot be erased from advanced filter by clicking Reset. Any other manually added setting can be erased by Reset.
  • When using column or advanced filters, always the last one is valid, never a combination of both of them.
  • Both the filter settings remain visible, even though they are actually not used.

As to me, the expected behaviour is like this:

  • both the filters are set independently
  • filters work together; I mean combination of column AND advanced filter is applied to query
1 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 5 years ago

We’ll review this issue and update back on some progress.

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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