Trouble with dependant dropdown feature phpgrid 1.5

QuestionsTrouble with dependant dropdown feature phpgrid 1.5
Andreas asked 11 years ago

Hello all,

I am currently struggling to get a working dependant dropdown.

This is the relavant part of my code:

$col = array();
$col["title"] = "Customer";
$col["name"] = "id_customer";
$col["dbname"] = "customer.customerName"; // this is required as we need to search in name field, not id
$col["width"] = "45";
$col["align"] = "left";
$col["search"] = true;
$col["editable"] = true;
$col["editrules"] = array("edithidden"=>true);
$col["hidden"] = false;
$col["edittype"] = "select"; // render as select
# fetch data from database, with alias k for key, v for value
$str = $grid->get_dropdown_values("select distinct id_customer as k, customerName as v from customer");

$col["editoptions"] = array(
"onchange" => array("sql"=>"SELECT id_customerAddress as k, CONCAT(addressStreet,' / ',addressZIP,' / ',addressCity) as v FROM customerAddress WHERE id_customer = '{id_customer}'",
"update_field" => "id_facilityAddress")
//$col["editoptions"] = array("value"=>$str);
$col["formatter"] = "select"; // display label, not value
$col["stype"] = "select"; // enable dropdown search
$col["searchoptions"] = array("value" => ":;".$str);
$cols[] = $col;

$col = array();
$col["title"] = "Address";
$col["name"] = "id_facilityAddress";
//$col["dbname"] = "customerAddress.id_customerAddress"; // this is required as we need to search in name field, not id
$col["width"] = "45";
$col["align"] = "left";
$col["search"] = false;
$col["editable"] = true;
$col["editrules"] = array("edithidden"=>true);
$col["hidden"] = true;
$col["edittype"] = "select"; // render as select
# fetch data from database, with alias k for key, v for value
$str = $grid->get_dropdown_values("SELECT id_customerAddress as k, CONCAT(addressStreet,' / ',addressZIP,' / ',addressCity) as v FROM customerAddress;");
$col["editoptions"] = array("value"=>$str);
$col["stype"] = "select"; // enable dropdown search
$col["searchoptions"] = array("value" => ":;".$str);
$col["formatter"] = "select"; // display label, not value
$cols[] = $col;

When I open the edit dialog the addressfield is populated with all available addresses but when I select a customer the address dropdown gets emptied and
there are no addresses in the dropdown list anymore.

When I manually replace: '{id_customer}' with the ID of an existing customer ID, for example 1, I do get the addresses of this customer when I do a selection in the customer dropdown.

It seems to me that '{id_customer}' is not properly handled.

Does anybody know a solution to this problem ?

Thank you for your kind help

best regards


10 Answers
Andreas answered 11 years ago

Dear Abu,

can you confirm, that the dependent dropdown feature is actually working ?

I have tried hard to get a working solution but failed.

Thank you for your kind support.

best regards


Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

Hello Andreas,

Your code seems fine and it should work as expected.
Can you come online on chat, so that i can have quick review of complete code and result.

Please email me at [email protected] when available.

Domingo Bermejo answered 11 years ago

Dear Abu,

I have the same problem:

$col =array();
$col["search"] = true;
$str = $g->get_dropdown_values("SELECT DISTINCT id AS k, nombre AS v FROM alimentos");
$col["editoptions"] = array("value"=>$str,
"onchange"=> array("sql"=>"SELECT DISTINCT idfraccion AS k, concat( nombre, ' (', cantidad, 'g)' ) AS v FROM alimentosfracciones af, relalimentosfracciones raf WHERE AND raf.idalimento='{id}'",
"update_field"=> "idfraccion"));
$col["stype"] = "select"; // enable dropdown search
$col["searchoptions"] = array("value" => ":;".$str);

$col =array();
$col["search"] = true;
$str = $g->get_dropdown_values("SELECT DISTINCT AS k, concat( nombre, ' (', cantidad, 'g)' ) AS v FROM alimentosfracciones af, relalimentosfracciones raf WHERE ");
$col["editoptions"] = array("value"=>$str);
$col["formatter"] = "select"; // display label, not value
$col["stype"] = "select"; // enable dropdown search
$col["searchoptions"] = array("value" => ":;".$str);


How did you solve it?


Domingo Bermejo answered 11 years ago

Dear Abu,

I fixed it.


Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

Hello Arne,

Try setting select formatter.
$col["formatter"] = "select";

Screenshot of the issue would help in resolution.
I'll email you the update.

Arne answered 11 years ago

hi Abu,
if you have a fix for this, I am also interested in this.

If I concat my two column, the value is cleared when I edit the record.

My code:
$col = array();
$col["title"] = "Virksomhetsmodell"; // caption of column
$col["name"] = "forretningId"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
// $col["dbname"] = "F.struktur+F.forretningNavn"; // this is required as we need to search in name field, not id
$col["width"] = "10"; // width on grid
$col["editable"] = true;
$col["edittype"] = "select"; // render as select
# fetch data from database, with alias k for key, v for value
$str = $g->get_dropdown_values("select distinct id as k, (struktur+forretningNavn) as v from [INDIT].[dbo].[forretning] union select top 1 '','' from [INDIT].[dbo].[forretning] order by 2");
$col["editoptions"] = array("value"=>$str);
$cols[] = $col;

I'm using SQL Server, not MySQL.

Arne answered 11 years ago

Thanks Abu,
with this new jqgrid_dist.php the inline edit is fixed.
And the concat-problem is fixed!
Good and thanks!

Here is my code that is functional now!

$col = array();
$col["title"] = "Virksomhetsmodell"; // caption of column
$col["name"] = "forretningId"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
//$col["dbname"] = "F.struktur+F.forretningNavn"; // this is required as we need to search in name field, not id
$col["width"] = "10"; // width on grid
$col["editable"] = true;
$col["edittype"] = "select"; // render as select
# fetch data from database, with alias k for key, v for value
$str = $g->get_dropdown_values("select distinct id as k, (struktur+forretningNavn) as v from [INDIT].[dbo].[forretning] union select top 1 '','' from [INDIT].[dbo].[forretning] order by 2");
$col["isnull"] = true; // THIS DOES NOT WORK, SO I HAVE TO USE SELECT..UNION!
//$str = $g->get_dropdown_values("select distinct id as k, (struktur+forretningNavn) as v from [INDIT].[dbo].[forretning] order by 2");
$col["editoptions"] = array("value"=>$str);
//$col["formatter"] = "select";
$col["stype"] = "select"; // enable dropdown search
$col["searchoptions"] = array("value" => ":;".$str);
$cols[] = $col;

PS: the icons on the Action column is gone and the textlabel for Edit,Clone,Delete is back. Strange! But that doesn't matter..

PS2: the isnull option does not work for me. Also strange!

But many thanks for all your support!

Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

For action icons, edit jqgrid_dist.php and set
$this->internal["actionicon"] = false;
$this->internal["actionicon"] = true;

isnull, works at insertion, when you need to set NULL in insert sql.
If you want blank entry in dropdown, use this:

$col["editoptions"] = array("value"=>":;".$str);

actual notation is key:val;key2:val2.

aravindan answered 11 years ago

Hi Abu,

I want dependcy droplist in editable grid.ex(country,state,city)
and next three column is if a=10 &b=10(onclick event)
then automatically retrieve c=20..
Is this possible..

Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

For dropdown dependent, refer demos/appearance/dropdown-dependent.php sample code.
For your second case, you can put onblur event on first and second column, and set value to third column.

Refer faqs: Q) How to populate other column, based on previous columns?

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