Tinymce issues

QuestionsTinymce issues
Massimo Gagliardi asked 4 years ago

Hi Abu

tinymce has this problem:
It’s impossible to write into some controls (e.g. to indicate a link name in the link control or image name in the image control or table characteristics in the table control, …).
I tried also into your example (https://www.gridphp.com/demo/demos/integrations/tinymce.php)
Doesn’t work

How I can do?

Tks in advance

Massimo Gagliardi

2 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 4 years ago


I just updated the demo with a fix. See following link, line 183


Added following in link_editor function.


Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
Massimo Gagliardi answered 4 years ago

Thank you Abu, Now all is ok

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