Textbox for inline edit and Dropdown for dialog edit

QuestionsTextbox for inline edit and Dropdown for dialog edit
Anonymous asked 4 years ago


I have a column where in the main grid I want to use a text field, but in the add/edit form I want to use a dropdown. Setting $col[‘formatter’] = ‘select’ breaks the main grid when I search. Is there any way to target only the forms?

1 Answers
Abu answered 4 years ago

You can use afterShowForm event and replace input text to dropdown using jquery. e.g.

$opt[“edit_options”][“afterShowForm”] = ‘function (form)
var str = \'<select role=”select” class=”FormElement ui-widget-content ui-corner-all” name=”client_id” id=”client_id”><option value=”1″>One</option><option value=”2″>Two</option></select>\’;
jQuery(“#tr_”+”client_id”+” td.DataTD input”).replaceWith(str);


Replace “field” with your actual field name specified in $col[“name”]. To have same thing for add dialog, also set it for $opt[“add_options”][“afterShowForm”].

Demo code here: https://gist.github.com/8a49d68d1a1ed06e91df2858bf447edc

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