subgrid & opt["subgridurl"]

Questionssubgrid & opt["subgridurl"]
Glenn asked 9 years ago

Running into problems creating a subgrid similar to what you have in your multi subgrid example. I can create a normal subgrid but when I change opt["subGrid"] = true;
and opt["subgridurl"] = "myfile.php" the main grid shows but the subgrid shows nothing when I hit the expand button. It gives me an internal server error 500

Does the opt["subgridurl"] have to be the file name or could it be an object?


2 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

You can inspect using firebug it will show complete subgrid url with 500 error.
Now to debug, open that myfile.php page in a new tab by copying url from firebug and it will show error.

Glenn answered 9 years ago

Thank Abu,
Solved the issue with the example you sent from a different thread.

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