Subgrid not working

QuestionsSubgrid not working
Joel Gomes asked 2 years ago

hi, im trying to build my first grid with subgrid, ive checked the demo files, but once i insert this block of code, the grid doesnt even work. i cant understand what is wrong

$opt["subGrid"] = true;
$opt["subgridurl"] = "subgrid.php";
$opt["height"] = "";
$opt["rowNum"] = "5";
$opt["subgridparams"] = "Contrato,cliente"; // no spaces b/w column names
$opt["loadComplete"] = "function(){ var rowid=2; 
									jQuery('tr#'+rowid+' td[aria-describedby$=subgrid]').html(''); 
									jQuery('tr#'+rowid+' td[aria-describedby$=subgrid]').unbind(); 


If someone could send me an example with the code of subgrid.php it would be awsome to Thank you

Joel Gomes replied 2 years ago

Actually if i set this $grid->set_options($opt); it doesnt load the grid

Joel Gomes replied 2 years ago

i have the same problem if i try master_detail

Joel Gomes replied 2 years ago

Can i have some help please?

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 2 years ago

I verified your code and it’s basically variable undeclared issue.

$g is grid object.

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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