Strange behaviour of Datepicker

QuestionsStrange behaviour of Datepicker
pcattani asked 3 years ago

I have three datepickers I’m using in a modal edit form.  The first two datepickers work fine, but the third one doesn’t work.

When I try to use the third datepicker, I can browse a new date normally, but when I click on the date, the form scrolls to the top of the screen and the new date is not selected.

I think this may have something to do with it being a field which is offscreen and you have to scroll down to use it.

I am styling the form grid heights manually using:

.FormGrid {
height: 800px !important;

So that the scroll bars appear.  This is the only relevant information I can think of at this time.


Any ideas how to fix?




8 Answers
pcattani answered 3 years ago

Update:   I changed another field after the first two dates to a datepicker, and it behaves normally.  So this lends more credence to the idea that it has something to do with the form being scrolled down.   One other thing: I was wrong, the date on the weird datepicker *does* update when it is selected.  It\\\’s just that the form scrolls to the top for some reason.

Abu Ghufran Staff answered 3 years ago


This is a known issue and a quick fix is to set dialog modal to false:

$opt["add_options"]["modal"] = false;
$opt["edit_options"]["modal"] = false;

Update: New solution retains modal dialog behavior and enable datepickers:

$opt["add_options"]["jqModal"] = false;
$opt["edit_options"]["jqModal"] = false;
Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
pcattani answered 3 years ago

Hi Abu,   Thanks for the reply.  Yes, that does fix the problem.  Unfortunately, it\’s not a great idea to have a click outside the form cancel the form.  Users could have entered a lot of information in that area.   Is there any javascript hack you\’re aware of that would prevent a click from closing the form?   Thanks again,   pcattani

Abu Ghufran Staff answered 3 years ago

After your request, i reviewed the solution further and found a better solution.

Instead of above said “modal” property, if you set “jqModal” following to false, it will still behave as modal with working datepickers.

$opt["add_options"]["jqModal"] = false; 
$opt["edit_options"]["jqModal"] = false;
// ...

This change is incorporated in latest build now as well.


Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
pcattani answered 3 years ago

That works perfectly!   Thanks for looking in to this and thanks for the update.  Very much appeciated!

pcattani answered 3 years ago

Just another note in case this helps anyone else.


I had the same problem with the form jumping to the top when I used the Autocomplete feature for fields and then clicked on a selection to select it.  I solved the problem the same way as above:

$opt[“edit_options”][“modal”] = false;



Saurabh Arora answered 3 years ago

But it’s not working me ,on click datepicker ,I have tried both way

(a) form is closing without filling other fields.

$grid["edit_options"]["modal"] = false;

(b) while after putting

$opt["edit_options"]["jqModal"] = false;

bottom fields have been invisible due to missed scrolling as showing image

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pcattani answered 3 years ago

Hi.  I also had this problem.


You need to do two things:


On your edit settings, you need to set the height to ‘auto’.   For example:

$edit_settings = array(‘width’=>’600’, ‘height’=>’auto’,’resize’=>false,’position’=>’center’,’closeAfterEdit’=>true,’jqModal’=>false);


Then you need to style the FormGrid to a sufficient heigh.  For example:

//You need this so scroll bars are activated on the modal edit forms
.FormGrid {
height: 800px !important;

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