SQL with clause

QuestionsSQL with clause
Ed K asked 5 years ago

Do you have any plans to support SQL “with” statements?


with tempTable as (select….)

select *

from tablleA

inner join tempTable on…

4 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 5 years ago


I’ve verified WITH clause on postgres database and it perform listing, search, sort, paging correctly.

Sample: https://gist.github.com/52cf1e394dd2fe159185f3944365d669

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
Ed K answered 5 years ago


with item as (select stco, ststyl, stssfx from ststyl00)
select * from pdpick00
inner join item on stco = pdco and pdstyl = ststyl and pdssfx = stssfx

Generates error:

Couldn’t execute query. Keyword AS not expected. Valid tokens: FULL LEFT CROSS INNER RIGHT EXCEPTION. SQLCODE=-199 – SELECT count(*) as c FROM (with item as (select stco, ststyl, stssfx from ststyl00) select * from pdpick00 inner join item on stco = pdco and pdstyl = ststyl and pdssfx = stssfx WHERE 1=1) pg_tmp

Abu Ghufran Staff answered 5 years ago

I’ve updated same demo code, you can set custom count query if grid is not generating correct, by this:



Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
Ed K answered 5 years ago

thanks – this works great!

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