Shows blank grid and does not populate data

QuestionsShows blank grid and does not populate data
Afnan asked 12 years ago

I am able to successfully run the free version on webserver. However, it loads only the blank grid and does not populate data.

Please let me know in case if I am missing something.

Thanks and regards,

Hasnain Siraj Electricwala
Tata Consultancy Services

7 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

Dear Hasnain,

Check the ajax response of grid,

Use firefox->firebug->net->ajax-call of grid->response

You will see the output there, in case of any error.
It should be proper JSON format data in order to render grid

Please post the response if not still resolved.


M.Pathma answered 12 years ago


check you php code, in my case it was two database connection, I had UserCake which is connected to MySQL, then when I tried to use, it only worked from the example folder.

when I port to my root and include the UserCake line, data was not shown.

Since I need UserCake and I need to find why so that both can work.


Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

Have you tried adding 4th param of mysql_connect to true ?

$conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "", true);

It is necessary if you are working for more than one connections. See for more help.


Fabiana answered 12 years ago

Hi, I have the same problem, need to use Joomla Connection.

I am interested in buying the paid version, but first I need to check if it works with my data (over 1500 records) updating two tables.

any restrictions to work with Joomla?

Thanks and Congratulations, amazing solution!


Fabiana answered 12 years ago

Problem solved! The problem is MVC structure, i can't connect with my database at "view". After use "controller" to access database WORKED!


Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

Petar, i've sent invitation for you on gtalk. If it is returning JSON data, it should work as expected. Let me know in details.

Petar answered 12 years ago


I'm trying to use the paid version of the grid, but for now without success.
The data from database is not loaded, but only the column names.
Because I use the following script:

var $ j = jQuery.noConflict ();

I replaced 'jQuery' with '$j' in the file 'jqgrid_dist.php', but again without success.

I also have checked the ajax response of the grid and it is in proper JSON format.

{"page":"1","total":2,"records":"15","rows":[{"id":"20","cust":"000016","custrefnum":"CNH191","name":"u0412u0438u041a","addr1":"u0441. u041fu043bu0435u0432u0435u043d","addr2":"","mol":"","EIK":"","phone":"","m_phone":"","e_mail":"","fax":"","provider":"1","status":"0","type":"2","erp":"1"},{"id":"19","cust":"000015","custrefnum":"CNH015","name":"u041fu0435u0447u0430u0442u043du0438u0446u0430","addr1":"u0441. u0421u043eu0444u0438u044f","addr2":"","mol":"","EIK":"","phone":"","m_phone":"","e_mail":"","fax":"","provider":"1","status":"0","type":"2","erp":"1"},{"id":"18","cust":"000014","custrefnum":"CNH044","name":""u0413u0418u041fu0421" u0410u0414","addr1":"u0441. u041au043eu0448u0430u0432u0430","addr2":"","mol":"","EIK":"","phone":"","m_phone":"","e_mail":"","fax":"","provider":"1","status":"0","type":"2","erp":"5"},{"id":"17","cust":"000013","custrefnum":"CHM013","name":"Cherno Pole","addr1":"Cherno Pole“1","addr2":"","mol":"","EIK":"","phone":"","m_phone":"","e_mail":"","fax":"","provider":"1","status":"0","type":"1","erp":"1"},{"id":"16","cust":"000012","custrefnum":"CHM012","name":"Belo Pole","addr1":"Belo Pole","addr2":"","mol":"","EIK":"","phone":"","m_phone":"","e_mail":"","fax":"","provider":"1","status":"0","type":"1","erp":"1"},{"id":"15","cust":"000011","custrefnum":"CHM011","name":"Solar 2","addr1":"Vodnianci","addr2":"","mol":"","EIK":"","phone":"","m_phone":"","e_mail":"","fax":"","provider":"1","status":"0","type":"1","erp":"1"},{"id":"14","cust":"000010","custrefnum":"CHM010","name":"Vel Solar","addr1":"","addr2":"","mol":"","EIK":"","phone":"","m_phone":"","e_mail":"","fax":"","provider":"1","status":"1","type":"1","erp":"1"},{"id":"13","cust":"000009","custrefnum":"CMH009","name":"Solar 1 EOD","addr1":"Karbintsi2","addr2":"","mol":"Karbintsi2","EIK":"","phone":"","m_phone":"","e_mail":"","fax":"","provider":"1","status":"0","type":"1","erp":"1"},{"id":"12","cust":"000007","custrefnum":"CMH007","name":"Topki","addr1":"","addr2":"","mol":"","EIK":"","phone":"","m_phone":"","e_mail":"","fax":"","provider":"1","status":"0","type":"2","erp":"1"},{"id":"11","cust":"000006","custrefnum":"CMH006","name":"Trabi","addr1":"","addr2":"","mol":"","EIK":"","phone":"","m_phone":"","e_mail":"","fax":"","provider":"1","status":"0","type":"2","erp":"1"}]}

Can you help me please?

Thank you,

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