reload master affer subgrid clone row

Questionsreload master affer subgrid clone row
Jorge Delfin Neri asked 7 years ago

Hello Abu
How can i trigge the update of the master grid when performin a clone action in the subgrid? i have tried with a custom function but i can get it work
function custom_clone($data)
function(){jQuery(‘#list2’).trigger(‘reloadGrid’,[{jqgrid_page:1}]); return [true, ”];}

Jorge Delfin Neri replied 7 years ago

hello, Any comments?

5 Answers
Jorge D answered 7 years ago

Hello , Any comments?

Wing answered 7 years ago

have a look at

Jorge Delfin Neri replied 7 years ago

Hello Wing

I appreciate your willingness to help. My problem is specifically with the CLONE event that is not triggering the refresh in the master grid. The refresh in the onAfterSave, add_options,edit_options and delete_options Work flawless.

i have the code line

**grid_event** = “function(){jQuery(‘#list2’).trigger(‘reloadGrid’,[{jqgrid_page:1}]); return [true, ”];}”;

in each of these events and none triggers the refresh of the master grid( which is named list2)


Abu Ghufran Staff answered 7 years ago

I missed this ticket somehow. The library does not have any event like onAfterClone.

We’ll be adding it in todos.

If you need it desperately, you can hack into lib/inc/jqgrid_dist.php and inject your code here:

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
Sunny Kim answered 1 year ago

Hi.  Has the clone callback feature been implemented since then?  I\’m having a similar issue.  When a row is cloned, it\’s not obvious where to find the cloned row.  For adding a row, I managed to reload the grid in reverse order.  I\’m hoping to do the same with clone.   I tried this but didn\’t work.  It just reloads the grid with default sort order:   success: function( data ) { console.log(\”Success callback triggered.\”); jQuery(\”#\” + grid).jqGrid(\’setGridParam\’, { sortname: \’AUTO_ID\’, sortorder: \’desc\’ }); console.log(\”Sort parameters set.\”); jQuery(\”#\” + grid).trigger(\’reloadGrid\’); console.log(\”Grid reload triggered.\”); }

Abu Ghufran Staff answered 1 year ago


Yes, onAfterClone JS event is added in latest build.

If you are already sorting the grid rows on auto-id desc, In order to reload grid and show latest row you just need to show the first page. The newly cloned row will be on top.

For that edit jqgrid_dist.php, find this code: fx_clone_row = function (grid,id) { … }
and inside this function, change



Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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