problem searching data with 2 join table

Questionsproblem searching data with 2 join table
Norman asked 10 years ago


Couldn't execute query. The multi-part identifier "MsSecurityWeekEnd.EmployeeID" could not be bound. – SELECT count(*) as c FROM ( SELECT * FROM ( SELECT a.EmployeeID ,(FirstName+' '+LastName) AS EmployeeName ,a.WeekEndDate ,a.RBU ,a.RBT FROM MsSecurityWeekEnd a LEFT JOIN MsEmployee b ON a.EmployeeID=b.EmployeeID ) a WHERE 1=1 AND MsSecurityWeekEnd.EmployeeID LIKE '%2%') pg_tmp

this worked for searching EmployeeName but not for EmployeeID.
any idea how to make it worked?


2 Answers
Norman answered 10 years ago


ok i get it to worked with modified SQL.
,(FirstName+' '+LastName) AS EmployeeName
FROM MsSecurityWeekEnd
LEFT JOIN MsEmployee ON MsSecurityWeekEnd.EmployeeID=MsEmployee.EmployeeID

Now the problem is : i cannot use the autofilter the EmployeeName.
it returns error :
Couldn't execute query. Invalid column name 'EmployeeName'. – SELECT count(*) as c FROM ( SELECT MsSecurityWeekEnd.EmployeeID ,(FirstName+' '+LastName) AS EmployeeName ,MsSecurityWeekEnd.WeekEndDate ,MsSecurityWeekEnd.RBU ,MsSecurityWeekEnd.RBT FROM MsSecurityWeekEnd LEFT JOIN MsEmployee ON MsSecurityWeekEnd.EmployeeID=MsEmployee.EmployeeID WHERE 1=1 AND EmployeeName LIKE '%l%')

and another questions? can i use alias name in SQL for table actually?


Norman answered 10 years ago


i found that using : $col["dbname"] = "(FirstName+' '+LastName)";
solved the problem.

now i understand the use of $col["dbname"] for the complex query.


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