PHPGrid and mobile devices like tablets and handys

QuestionsPHPGrid and mobile devices like tablets and handys
Gerd asked 8 years ago

Hallo Abu,

i have problems with the grid on mobile devices such as tablets and handys. The grid always shows „loading…“ and i can’t scroll to other pages.

On my PC all is working fine.

Can you help me ?

6 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

You can check this demo:

If you are using iphone (or mac devices) … they don't support vertical scroll so one need special setting to increase grid height so there is no vertical scroll bar.

Gerd answered 8 years ago

Hallo Abu,

did you find a solution for the mobile devices yet ?

I have changed all grids in our homepage to PGPGRID and many of our users a serving with tablets on handys.



Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago


We do support responsive grid layout as mentioned on this thread (last reply).
Please let me know If you are expecting something else beside

Gerd answered 8 years ago

Hallo Abu,

Thank you for answering.

I have taken the sample responsive.php for PHPGRID to my homepage, please call the link with a table or mobile device.

The result is shown in the attached image and you can not switch to an other page. Not any button is working.

I hope this helps you.



Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

Resolved by updating version.
Closing this ticket.

Gerd answered 8 years ago


I wanted to ask if there is a solution for my problem in the near future.

I have converted our whole webside to PHPGrid, but unfortunately the buttons do not scroll on mobile devices like tablets and handys.

Is there an update for this?

Please answer me shortly, thanks

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