on_insert function

Questionson_insert function
Tim asked 12 years ago

When customizing the insert I see docs refer you to "$e["on_insert"] = array("add_client", null, false);", but they are not clear on the 2nd argument. Does anybody know what the 2nd argument is for? Also I need to send the username of the person logged in to the function for insert, so how do you alter $data? Docs aren't totally clear on the 3rd argument either. If set to true I call my function, if false, does it not call the function. I must be misreading something.

3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

The `on_insert` takes 3 params (<function-name>, <class-object> or <null-if-global-func>, <continue-default-grid-operation>)

The second argument is passed if your callback function is member function of some class, and class object is passed there.
All the posted $data from client is received in callback function, which can be used for custom insert logic.

function add_client($data)
mysql_query("INSERT INTO clients
VALUES (null,'{$data["params"]["name"]}'

If you pass last argument as true, functions will act as a data filter and insert/update in `->table` will be performed by grid after your function.

Refer custom-events.php for more help.

Tim answered 12 years ago

ok that makes sense, but still not clear on how I can change $data before it is passed to the function to include variables I may need to add.

Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

This $data in add_client (callback function) is passed by reference. So you can just edit the $data.
To continue add operation by phpgrid, 3rd argument should be true.

In this case, the callback function will just modify the posted $data, and pass to grid for insertion.

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