Not adding, editing on a database view

QuestionsNot adding, editing on a database view
Juan Manuel Gareli Fabrizi asked 11 years ago

I have done many database view to get simply select

Does phpgrid has problems adding records to database views if they are made with many tables.

ex:view: V3matematica

SELECT alumno.apellido as Apellido,
alumno.nombre as Nombre,
nota.calificacion as Calificacion,
nota.id_conducta as Conducta,
nota.observaciones as observaciones
FROM nota, alumno, evaluacion, materia
WHERE nota.id_alumno = and
nota.id_evaluacion = AND
evaluacion.id_materia = and AND
evaluacion.id_tipo_evaluacion= 3

this is the select of the view.

The code on mi wordpress is [phpgrid table="v3matematica1" edit="true" caption="Primer" export="true" language="es"]

I looks well but i cannot edit or add rows!

2 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago


I will be emailing you an updated version of plugin after some testing.
EKAndreas version has some issues in attributes.

Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

Emailed you an update.

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