Mask form/column field

QuestionsMask form/column field
Andre asked 12 years ago

Hello. I have three questions:

– Is it possible to mask a field to look for example like this: (NN) NNNN-NNNN ? N stands for number.
– Can I define the lenght a field should have ? Like in the case above 14 chars ?
– Can I remove any unwanted char like for example: $%#^&- and so forth ?

Thanks and regards.


1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

Hello Andre,

1) Masking is not intrinsically supported.
You can however, pick input jquery id selectors, and linking them using any lib.

Most likely, you would need to code it after show form event. for e.g. if ID of element id "date"

$grid["add_options"]["afterShowForm"] = 'function(formid) { jQuery("#date").mask(); }';
$grid["edit_options"]["afterShowForm"] = 'function(formid) { jQuery("#date").mask(); }';

2) For length of field,

$col["editoptions"] = array("maxlength" => "14");

3) For removing unwanted characters, you can use some lib mentioned above to restrict entries.
You can also use client side validation before submit.

php side:

$col = array();
$col["title"] = "Total";
$col["name"] = "total";
$col["width"] = "50";
$col["editable"] = true;
$col["editrules"] = array("custom"=>true,"custom_func"=>"function(val,label){return my_validation(val,label);}");
$cols[] = $col;

js side:
function my_validation(value,label)
if (value > 100)
return [true,""];
return [false,label+": Should be greater than 100"];

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