Issues after upgrade to 2.8 from 2.22 ( Export Excel, top page navigator)

QuestionsIssues after upgrade to 2.8 from 2.22 ( Export Excel, top page navigator)
Chengbin asked 1 year ago


After I upgraded to 2.8 from 2.22, several issue pop up ( which works fine in 2.22)

  1. When export to excel,  there is extra role on the top: “Export to Excel” .  Can we remove it?
  2. Any cell contacts “-”  will be double quoted. For example, part number 752-34356 will show “752-34356”. In older version 2.22, it can show properly as 752-34356
  3. the top page navigator disappear even after I  have put:

$opt[“toolbar”] = “both”;

$opt[“globalsearch”] = false;

$opt[“toppager”] = true;


Thanks in advance for your help!

3 Answers
Chengbin answered 1 year ago

Sorry, please ignore the first question. I found it can be controlled by \”heading\”=>False.  But the heading does not work in 2.22.

Abu Ghufran Staff answered 11 months ago

Although it’s late, but just to log solution:

#2. You can use the previous export library. Just rename the lib/inc/excel/PHPExcel to _PHPExcel. It will shift back to the old library.

#3. Here is the demo code.
Line 28,29 and 51,52


Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
Chengbin Zhu answered 11 months ago

Hi Abu: It works! Your support is sincerely appreciated.

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