Issue with export excel

QuestionsIssue with export excel
Dhana asked 8 years ago


Please assist me. i have got latest code packages to support mysqli and integrated with my code. After i integrated, i can search and pull the data from database 7500 or 85000 records and in some records will be calling webservice to pull the data from the another app. i got this result in real quick. but my problem is. when export the data, it keeps spinning,loading more than 5 mins, then finally got timeout error. what i am doing ?

Thanks in advance,

7 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

Large data set export may require efficient memory custom php code.
You can review demos/export/custom-export.php and see CSV export code.

Dhana answered 8 years ago


AS i told you already i am calling web service in the records to get some other info from other app. i can get the data if i didnt call web service for 11K records. if i call any web service for a record then i am getting time out.


Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

Reason for timeout is obvious.
An alternate could be to run service and prepare all data n array.

If that's successfully done, you can then pass that data to grid and export.

Dhana answered 8 years ago


Is it possible to take the grid values in array and create a csv instead calling again query in custom function for export ?

Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago


Currently it is not doable. We must have another query for export as it is separate call.

Dhana answered 8 years ago


Please not this as enhancement and work out it. it will be really helpfull for many of the people who will have large number of data's with more number of web service calls. Grid loads as faster but only issues is in export. if you make it like this , then we can export it very quicker.. dont want to depend on memory etc..

Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

One possibility is to use on_data_display event handler.
This is called before data is sent to display as listing.

In that function, you can put the data in $_SESSION variable.
And in export callback code, you can read from that session var and export.

For event help, refer code demos/editing/custom-events.php

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