inner join error on grid

Questionsinner join error on grid
caloyiv asked 9 years ago

i have an sql

$clid = intval($_GET["rowid"]);
>>> SELECT * FROM cl_list inner join student on cl_list.studentinfo_id = student.studentinfo_id WHERE fcltyid_id = $clid order by student.stdtlastname asc

this works fine with phpmyadmin but when i run it in the grid i get an error message..

4 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

Can you explain what error is coming?
It is populating $clid variable in sql?

caloyiv answered 9 years ago

yes this is populating when i am using

>>SELECT * FROM cl_list WHERE fcltyid_id = $clid

i get this from firebug

500 internal server error

_search false
fcltyid_id 1
grid_id view_cl
jqgrid_page 1
nd 1446090470056
rowid 1
rows 20
sidx cl_id
sord desc

caloyiv answered 9 years ago

it will not give error if i will remove

>>order by student.stdtlastname asc

Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

ahan, ok.
You should remove order by from sql query and add order by settings in:

Sort grid by this field, Sort ASC or DESC

$grid["sortname"] = 'student.stdtlastname';
$grid["sortorder"] = "asc";


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