Inline edit only

QuestionsInline edit only
Misic Dragan asked 12 years ago

Is there a way to enable only inline editing, without form editing. I can remove form add button, but when I set edit option to false, edit link for inline editing disappear also.

3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

I'm sending you update. This will solve.

$g->navgrid["param"] = array("add"=>false, "edit"=>false, "del"=>false);

Mario answered 9 years ago

hi, does inlineedit mean, one can edit the grid like in excel? May I activate instant imediate editing of bulk cells like in excel with this, is there a sample for premiumusers?

Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

Inline edit mean row editing with in grid (edit button in last 'actions' column of grid)
Excel like editing is cell edit mode. Refer demos/appearance/excel-view.php

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