Identity Insert

QuestionsIdentity Insert
IBAI ALONSO asked 5 years ago

Good Morning, im receiving the error 0 Error Code: 544 Message: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table ‘DIM_Instaladores_Instaline’ when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF. on licensed version with query:

Couldn’t execute query. SQLState: 23000 Error Code: 544 Message: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table ‘DIM_Instaladores_Instaline’ when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF. – INSERT INTO DIM_Instaladores_Instaline (MUNICIPIO,Cod_Ine_Municipio,INSTALADOR,PERSONA_CONTACTO,TELEFONO,EMAIL,RESPUESTA,CATEGORIA_CARNET,COMENTARIOS,CAMPAÑA_EDIFICIOS_SIN_GAS,REUNION,id) VALUES (N’a’,N’a’,N’a’,N’a’,N’a’,N’a’,N’a’,N”,N”,N”,N”,N’_empty’)

2 Answers
Abu answered 5 years ago

Please follow the rules for fast resolution.
– Paste complete code that is involved in your question. You can use Github Gist to share code link
– Share Online link of webpage OR Screenshot of the issue (where required). You can also send email at address mentioned below.
– To report an issue, Write steps to regenerate the case.

Ibai Iglesia answered 5 years ago

Finally I used the option

// first column is not autoincrement
$opt[“autoid”] = true;

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