How can a master grid (as in master detail) also have a subgrid?

QuestionsHow can a master grid (as in master detail) also have a subgrid?
Gary Michael Wilson asked 3 years ago

I have a master grid of vehicles and clicking on one reveals comparable vehicles in the detail grid below it. However, I also want the option of a subgrid for the master grid to show recent price changes for the selected vehicle.

Not sure this is possible as both options use “subgridparams”?

1 Answers
Best Answer
Mike answered 3 years ago

I’ve done something similar. You could look at the demos for some ideas. There are a few that might work for you. The key is making-sure you reference the key-field (rowid) on each sub-grid.

Of course, there is also a multi-tab Sub Report option – I use this as well. I have been able to combine 3-sub reports and one of them has multiple tabs – all with different key-field linking. It just takes a bit of fiddling to get it to work the way you want.

Master-Multi Detail

Multi-Sub Grid

Multiple-Tab Grid



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