
pierre mata asked 9 years ago

Hello, can you tell what is wrong with this code,the field "closed" doesn't get the value.

$e["on_insert"] = array("add_foto2", null, true);


function add_foto2(&$data){

global $grid;

$check_sql = "SELECT MAX(id) as c FROM fotos";
$rs = $grid->get_one($check_sql);
$data["params"]["closed"] = $rs["c"];

and can you show me the next code making the change for mysqli mode instead myqsl?

function add_client($data)
$check_sql = "SELECT count(*) as c from clients where LOWER(`name`) = '".strtolower($data["params"]["name"])."'";

$rs = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query($check_sql));

if ($rs["c"] > 0)
phpgrid_error("Client already exist in database");

mysql_query("INSERT INTO clients VALUES (null,'{$data["params"]["name"]}','{$data["params"]["gender"]}','{$data["params"]["company"]}')");


4 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

You can put some debugging in callback function to see the query result.

function add_foto2(&$data){

global $grid;

$check_sql = "SELECT MAX(id) as c FROM fotos";
$rs = $grid->get_one($check_sql);

$s = ob_get_clean();


$data["params"]["closed"] = $rs["c"];

And after that, when you call the add from grid, see the ajax call response using firebug debugger.
It would show the result.

pierre mata answered 8 years ago

Thanks Abu, now works, but just in the "on_insert" event, if i try in the "on_after_insert" event, the field "closed" is not update, why???

$e["on_after_insert"] = array("add_foto2", null, true);


function add_foto2(&$data){

global $grid;

$check_sql = "SELECT MAX(id) as c FROM fotos";
$rs = $grid->get_one($check_sql);

$data["params"]["closed"] = $rs["c"];

Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

This is because the on_after_insert, no insert query is further executed after that.
To update database in on_after_insert, you need to execute INSERT or UPDATE query.

Refer demos / editing / custom-event.php

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