Have error on_update

QuestionsHave error on_update
Rafael asked 11 years ago

I new on phpgrid, but I am haveing an error on on_update,
Code is.. am im using master detail sub grid sample, with some mod. for test.
I try , forceing the value , but I am getting a red line when press save



$e["on_update"] = array("update_client", null, true);
function update_client($data)
$str = "UPDATE invheader set total=(select sum(qty*unit) from invlines where id = {$data["id"]} ) WHERE id = {$data["id"]};";
//$str = "UPDATE invheader set total=1 WHERE id = {$data["id"]};";

// echo $str;

// echo $str;
// continue normal grid update … by grid lib

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

Perhaps, there is a typo …

$mysql_query($str); should be …

(without $ sign)

You can put echo statements inside on_update callback and see output in firebug ajax response.
Review this tutorial for '[debugging with firebug](https://phpgrid.desk.com/customer/portal/articles/926266)'.

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