gridstate master to subgrid

Questionsgridstate master to subgrid
Massimo Gagliardi asked 4 years ago

Hi Abu

Is’t possible to send the status of the main grid (gridstate) to the sub-grid so that any columns selected in the main grid with the “show hide columns” button are automatically valid for the sub-grid as well?
I specify that I use the Multi Subgrid setting.
If yes how?
Thanks in advance
Massimo Gagliardi

3 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 4 years ago


I am unable to understand what you mean by “main grid columns visibility are automatically valid for the sub-grid as well”

Usually the columns of maingrid and subgrid are different. How one selection can be affecting both grids? Can you please share some screenshot explaining the case.

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
Massimo Gagliardi answered 4 years ago


I have a master grid with 2 subgrid (Multi subgrid), in witch I have hidden “titlebar”, pager” and “htable” (look at attachment 1).

Suppose that I want add other two columns in visualitation (i.e. ID and Groupage, look at attachments 2 and 3)

The master grid will be in this way (attachment 4)
But when I reopaen the 2 subgrids in this there aren’t the new two colums (attachment 5)

Is’t possible to send the status of the main grid (gridstate) to the sub-grid so that any columns selected in the main grid with the “show hide columns” button are automatically valid for the sub-grid as well?

Thanks in advance

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Abu Ghufran Staff answered 4 years ago

I checked your query but unfortunately it is currently not supported by library.

Both grid / subgrid settings are stored independently.

One long way is to read the visibility of parent grid columns and on load event of subgrid we adjust them accordingly. If you want me to test this alternate way, you can send me php code and related database dump to regenerate this scenario.

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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