file extension

Questionsfile extension
Benjamin asked 9 years ago


My DB field that contains the name of uploaded file is doc_file.
I need to get the extension of the file and tried this:

$ext = substr($row['doc_file'],-3);

and also …

$ext = substr($data['doc_file'],-3);

neither of them works … How can I do that ??


5 Answers
Benjamin answered 9 years ago

… I also tried this

$col["condition"] = array('substr({doc_file},-3) == "pdf"', $icone = "doc_pdf.png", $icone = "doc_office.png");

It doesn't work ! … can I use a php (substr) inside a condition ?


Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

Pasting from docs:

For extended conditional data, you can also have callback function, that will allow you to display based on row data. For e.g.

$col["on_data_display"] = array("display_keyword","");

function display_keyword($data)
$kw = $data["keyword_name"];
$numKeywords = count(explode("n",$pass));
if ($numKeywords > 3)
return $numKeywords." Keywords";
$pass = str_replace("+"," ",$pass);
return $pass;

Benjamin answered 9 years ago


I've already read this but didn't understand how it solve my problem … not clear for me.


Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

Not tested the code, but it would be something like:

$col["on_data_display"] = array("display_icon","");

function display_icon($data)
$file = $data["doc_file"];

if (substr($file,-3) == "pdf")
return "doc_pdf.png";
return "doc_office.png";

// it can also be: return "<img src='doc_office.png'>";

Benjamin answered 9 years ago

Hi Abu,

Thanks … I didn't understood to replace the "condition" by this …
It Works fine !

Thanks again

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