Export Filtered Results

QuestionsExport Filtered Results
edwardw asked 11 years ago

Hi Abu
When I filter my grid and see the filtered results I try to export it to Excel and get all of the data instead of filtered data. I've used the same code that is in the Excel export example.


3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

Setting this config will enable to export only filtered rows of grid.
In case of any further query, let me know.

$opt["export"]["range"] = "filtered";


Cederic Van Herreweghe answered 11 years ago

Hi Abu,

is it possible that filtered export to excel is only possible if you use database query option instead of array option to fill the grid ?

Kind regards,
Cederic Van Herreweghe

Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago


Filter with local array is not supported.

It has some implementation issues, as local array is never back sent to server, and php does not know what you actually filtered.

Alternate, which is not very efficient … You can manage similar result by creating temporary tables by loading array in temp table and do operations.

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