
Gustavo Lazaro asked 8 years ago

Dear, I'm adding a log to a grid. One of the fields is related to another table, which has more than 2000 records. Using dropdown is not practical. How could I do it? Thank you

4 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

You can try using autocomplete.
It loads data from server only when you type.

refer: demos/integration/autocomplete.php

Gustavo Ageitos answered 8 years ago

Thank you!!!

Gustavo Ageitos answered 8 years ago

Table Client: idClient Int, name Varchar(60)
Table Voucher: idVoucher Int, idClient Int, dateVoucher date, amount decimal(10,2)

How can I save the idClient of the client table in the voucher table using autocomplete.

Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

Refer attached demo, related code is at line 77-91 and sql_command query.

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