Detailview of a single item

QuestionsDetailview of a single item
Robin asked 11 years ago

First of all, I really love phpgrid, thanks for making it!

I have various tables with text fields. When displaying those, you kind of lose the overview since there is really a lot of text in it. I'm looking for some way of having a detail-view for a single item when I click it. In that detail-view I would expect all fields below each other. The field titles on the left, the values on the right.

Is such a feature already embedded? Do you have any tips on how to incorporate it?


3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago


Yes, it is supported but in licensed version.

Click on 3rd button 'View' on toolbar.
You can also have a plus sign with each row, where you can have your custom php page to show data like you want, passing page the row id.

Robin answered 11 years ago

Thanks, that's clear.

I'm wondering, when will the new release be published? That's relevant, since the developer version does not include updates.

Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago


Correct, i guess updates should be there in developer version (for some duration).
We might have to revise the licensing terms. You can email us for a licensed customized for you.

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