Datetimepicker column search not filtering data

QuestionsDatetimepicker column search not filtering data
Sunil asked 9 years ago

The datetimepicker integration with the latest build does filter date with column filtering.
I checked with the previous version of grid its the same issue there.

3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

I am unable to regenerate this issue.

Steps: i type date 6/10/2007 in auto filter of datetime field.
Please tell exact steps to get this issue.

Sunil answered 9 years ago

It works if date is keyed in the search field, I typed 06/10/2007 05:00:00, though its the entry that is there in the grid it says "No records to view"

Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

The issue was with the timezone convertion. It was displaying GMT+5 and saved in db was gmt+0.

I've changed to $col["dbname"] so that it can be used in WHERE clause instead of plain field.

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