custom update and calling a functon from class. (Logging)

Questionscustom update and calling a functon from class. (Logging)
pascal asked 9 years ago

hi abu,

I have custom pdate function and then after a update I want to log the update, so I have log class and calling the info method. but, I get an error.. when I use firebug in grid. It shows internal error.

The log code is fine. the cbject calling ($log->warn) calling does not work in after_upadte or delete in grid.

function after_update($data)


$log->warn("Deleted added inventory:name:$name:,q:$qty1");

phpgrid_error("SQL Error");



Are there any internal logging features?

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago


You either need to create $log class object again OR
Declare $log as global variable inside function.

Looks to be a variable scope issue.

function after_update($data)
global $log;


Plus, if you need to log after update … you can also use
on_after_update event. Works same as on_update except that it is fired after the update database query.

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