$col['edittype'] = "button"

Questions$col['edittype'] = "button"
Craig Nicholls asked 12 years ago

Can you please explain how this works? It always seems to render as a null column, no matter what the value of $col["editoptions"].

The documentation seems somewhat silent on the matter.

5 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago


Only certain edittypes are allowed.
However you can use $col["default"] to specify any html you want in cell, so you can put

$col["default"] = "<button> …. ";

For reference, please check demo > appearence > custom-buttons.php

Craig Nicholls answered 12 years ago

OK. However, the documentation here (http://www.phpgrid.org/docs/) says…

Render as button
$col["edittype"] = "button";
$col["editoptions"] = array("value"=>'Click Me');

…is the doc incorrect or just incomplete?

Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

I think there is some confusion.

The edittype > button, will show button when the record is in edit mode, and it work with this code, and not in display mode.

$col = array();
$col["title"] = "Button"; // caption of column
$col["name"] = "button";
$col["width"] = "50";
$col["editable"] = true;
$col["edittype"] = "button";
$col["editoptions"] = array("value"=>'Click Me');
$cols[] = $col;

If you wish to display button in display mode (non-edit), you have to use this property.

$col["default"] = "<button> …. ";

For $col["default"], you can refer the demo of custom-button.php

Frederik answered 10 years ago

(Licensed Version)
Hello, and what if i want that the

$col["default"] = 'my html code'

shows only when the user doubleclick the field to edit it?

Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

You can set:

$col["editoptions"]["dataInit"] = "function(o){edit_custom(o);}";
$cols[] = $col;

… and in html section, we can define custom edit-type display

function edit_custom(o)
jQuery(o).replaceWith('my html code');

Refer docs: Render Radio buttons as edittype

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