
Paul Hagerty asked 8 years ago


Is there a good guide on making a new button on the grid
(a grid button, not row) . or even a button not on the grid (such as a html button everywhere on the page)

Which can access the data on the currect grid view

via php would be great, unless it has to be java

I am basically, having problems access the current grid data via php


5 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago


You can add toolbar button, button in row, or button anywhere else in html beside grid.
1) demos/appearance/toolbar-button.php line 105
2) demos/appearance/custom-row-button.php
3) demos/appearance/custom-grid-button.php

If you can tell exact scenario i can help on exact issue.

Paul answered 8 years ago

I am just trying to understand

I have got the following to work,
1. i can make a button,
2. can make it call and run a php function

how do i get the current on page grid data within php?

such as i would run down every record/row and get the value of a certain field from the current filtered view, called "field1" in the database

Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

You can use on_data_display event handler and iterate through grid data.
refer demos/editting/custom-events.php > on_data_display event handler.

What you want to do after data iteration?

Paul answered 8 years ago

Hmm, how can i trigger on_data_display from a button click

i basically, want to add a button, and when the user clicks it, it goes to my php function (within the same webpage) and i do access the data in the grid from php and then do what i like with the info

Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

This is not support within library.
You can call an ajax request, $.ajax() and on server side put custom code in php
Refer jQuery / ajax for usage.

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