Blank Excel Cells

QuestionsBlank Excel Cells
David Mills asked 11 years ago

The more I use this, the more I love it!

I have a master grid and a detail grid.
The detail grid is set to look like an Excel spread sheet.

The issue is that only the data in the table is shown but I need it to act like a real SS.

I need at least 100 empty cells (rows) that a user can enter data.
it thought there was an option like…

$grid['max'] = '100'

or am I just sniffing glue.

3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago


As grid connects to a db table on backend, there must be empty rows to save data.

What you can do is to have a 'add rows' button in toolbar, which add blank records in table, that will show as blank rows in grid upon reload.

This could be the most closest solution, as grid is not full spreadsheet. I am also emailing you updated lib and working demo.

Abed answered 9 years ago

Hello there!

I am trying to add blank excel rows to a grid with subgrid option. In a new page when I am adding blank rows it's working fine but as soon as I open and close a subgrid adding bulk button returns an error. Please let me know if you can regenerate the error.

Thank you.

Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

Unable to generate this issue. Sent you working demo.

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