altrows on master detail page

Questionsaltrows on master detail page
Gary Brett asked 10 years ago

Hi Abu, is it possible to use alternate rows on the master detail grids? I have added the code to your demo master-detail.php but the page doesn't load when code below is added?

$grid["altRows"] = true;
$grid["altclass"] = "myAltRowClass";

I have it working on all my other grids so wondered if its not possible with this type. No worries if not.



3 Answers
Gary Brett answered 10 years ago

Sorry forgot the code! lines 180 & 217

Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

Wrong var names.

$grid["altRows"] = true;
$grid["altclass"] = "myAltRowClass";

should be

$opt = array();
$opt["altRows"] = true;
$opt["altclass"] = "myAltRowClass";

Gary Brett answered 10 years ago

Thanks Abu, that fixed it but odd as I have it as $grid in my other pages that works!



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