Ajax response of rendered gridphp ($out) not showing rendered in the screen.

QuestionsAjax response of rendered gridphp ($out) not showing rendered in the screen.
Zeead Tanjim asked 2 years ago

I am using bootstrap and codeigniter framework in my project … I’m using ajax to post data and receive response of the rendered phpgrid output ($out) and loading into a <div> in a page (the page which already has all the required css and js sources for the gridphp). Browsers debug tool shows $out is loaded in the <div> but it is not displaying on the screen. what could be the possible reason?

My ajax call:

function searchKPI () {
type: “POST”,
url: “<?= base_url(‘kpi_request’)?>”,
data: $(‘#frm_kpi_req’).serialize(),
dataType: “html”,
success: function(response, status) {
$(‘#kpioutput’).html (response);
error: function() {
alert(‘Error occured’);

My CI Controller:

public function kpi_request () {
$input = array (
“switch” => $this->input->get(‘switch’),
“o_type” => $this->input->get(‘o_type’),
“o_entity” => $this->input->get(‘o_entity’),
“t_type” => $this->input->get(‘t_type’),
“t_entity” => $this->input->get(‘t_entity’),
“pd_time” => $this->input->get(‘predefined_time’),
“kpitimerange” => $this->input->get(‘kpitimerange’),
“dialcode” => $this->input->get(‘dialcode’),
“display” => $this->input->get(‘displayformat’)
$data[‘out’] = $this->kpi_result->fetch_data($input);
echo $data[‘out’];

** PS: The model returns rendered $out/

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 2 years ago


You can refer this demo which uses ajax to reload grid in a div.

Line 188

This is the code which is used to load via ajax:

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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